Tuesday, July 22, 2008

I Was Just Wondering....

1st of all would like to say sorry to all my readers out there, busy with my work which i can't update my blog at all.

As i was thinking and thinking about it, it came to my sense and i asked myself this question over and over again.

-Raja Petra made a Statutory Declaration alleging that Deputy Prime Minister Najib Razak's wife was at the murder scene of Mongolian national murder Altantuya Shaariibuu ----> Raja Petra Was Arrested By The Police.

-Mohd Saiful Bukhari Azlan , the man who is ACCUSING Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim of sodomy ----> Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim Was Arrested By The Police.

Im not a buyer here but this is what i SAW and THINKING THAT, if i made a police report against GOVERNMENT I WILL BE ARRESTED ??

If i made a police report against the OPPOSITION , THAT OPPOSITION WILL BE ARRESTED ??

so im kinda confused with my own malaysian law which is "don't belok belok, terus sahaja"...hahahahahahahaha. why ? i need answers....anyone care to answer me.

1 comment:

ScAvEnGeR said...

You are one for the politics huh Rakhi? Will call you Raja Rakhi next time :P

Anyway, I've added your blog link on mine.
